Froilan Hurtado

Production Manager

Originally from San Francisco, Froilan Hurtado joined our Roundtree Landscaping team as a maintenance crew member in 2015. He quickly rose in the ranks to take on new responsibilities as a Crew Leader. But Froilan – or Froi as he’s known - didn’t start out working in the landscaping industry. In fact, he spent most of his career before RLI working in hotel accounting services. Being cooped up crunching numbers just wasn’t turning out to be Froi’s professional passion, and he decided he needed to find a new and healthier environment.   

How did Froi end up here at Roundtree? As fate would have it, a friend of Froi’s mother was familiar with our company. When Froi expressed he’d like to transition to a new career working outdoors, she suggested he contact us about any available positions. The rest is history!

Once Froi began working on our landscape maintenance crews outdoors, he discovered how much he enjoyed it and developed a passion for plants. While plants were never something that had interested Froi in the past, the new opportunities for learning here at Roundtree piqued his curiosity. The opportunity to learn the how’s and the why’s behind plant and design choices opened up a whole new world for Froi.

In fact, it is the opportunity to learn and grow skill that Froi says makes Roundtree Landscaping stand apart from other companies. He loves the training opportunities offered by the company and he has plans to work towards earning a Certified Texas Landscape Professional Certificate through the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association (TNLA). Froi also feels the commitment and attention to all project details sets Roundtree apart for our clients. He enjoys the opportunity to make sure that all his work is completed the right way the first time, without taking any shortcuts.

In terms of specialties, we consider Froi one of our very best at tackling complicated drainage projects. His knack for details makes all the difference when we need to properly address and correct complicated drainage issues within a landscape.

What sets Froi apart here on our team? Well, if you talk to Froi then you’ll quickly find out how much he loves his kids. In fact, he says they are pretty much all he talks about. His favorite hobbies are activities such as archery and camping with his two children. Although, Froi will admit to you that it is possible he probably enjoys the camping trips even more than the kids!


2nd place for Large Garden Design and Installation

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