Fabulous Fall Flowers Now!

October 5, 2010 | By webadmin

Julie England


October, 2010


Plant selections and garden design tips are essential for your fabulous fall beds that will last you six months until April! October and November is the time in our area, North Texas, to plant pansies, pinks (Dianthus), sweet alyssum, ornamental Swiss chard / cabbage / kale, viola ( a relative to the pansy), snapdragons, fox glove, larkspur, cyclamen, dusty miller, petunia, pinks, and sweet alyssum.


Fall is also the best time for planting shrubs because it affords the root systems of plants, small to large, time to establish healthy root systems before the stress of intense over 100 degree summer heat.

 Here's some information on my top three fall-to-winter annuals. All three are widely available in many colors in retail centers, and prefer sun to shade; so plant in the sun:


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