New Roundtree Customer Wins Yard of the Month!

May 8, 2013 | By webadmin

Here at Roundtree Landscaping, we're all about transforming landscapes that don't work into beautiful and functional spaces. Recently, we partnered up with North Haven Gardens, a garden center in Dallas, TX, to provide one-on-one design consultations to their customers. Often, the homeowners we meet with at these consultations will hire us to come install our design. Here is an example of a great before and after story of just one such clients: They recently won their neighborhood's "Yard of the Month" award after our installation! The award was complements of the "Good Neighbor Yard of the Month" program provided by Calloway's Nursery.

The photos show a typical North Dallas ranch home which previously had a retaining wall against the front of the house. The homeowner removed these original retaining wall beds, which drastically improved the overall scale of the landscape against the home.  The homeowners also wanted the entire landscape to be organic and pet-friendly.

RLI YOM Before4sm

RLI YOM Before1sm

RLI YOM Before4sm

The owners have a very contemporary aesthetic so we needed to cut away the curve in the walkway, but the property lent itself very easily native and adaptive plants.  They were open to our suggestions of using horseherb as the groundcover in the foreground.  We undertook a complete irrigation renovation for the front yard in order to allow proper zoning, bubblers on all shrubs, low pressure MP rotators on the groundcover (these heads provide multiple streams of water at a slower rate, reducing water use by allowing for better absorption).  Because the owners were having trouble keeping their St. Augustine grass healthy, we also converted all the lawn areas to the MP rotator heads, resulting in reduced fungus issues and a strengthened front lawn.

Check out the difference with the new landscape! Plantings will fill in over time and look even more beautiful. Congratulations to our clients on their new landscape and Yard of the Month award!

RLI YOM After1sm

RLI YOM After2sm

RLI YOM After3sm

RLI YOM After4sm

If your home needs a landscaping refresh or facelift, give us a call here at Roundtree Landscaping today and we'll take care of you! 214-824-7036  or Email Us.


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Collaboration with the Dallas Arboretum and First Men's Garden Club of Dallas.

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