Pottery isn’t just for the patio!

April 2, 2013 | By webadmin

We all have a few spots in our landscape that just haven’t filled in completely, or perhaps present a challenge when it comes to sun exposure. It can be tricky choosing the right plant material to fill the gaps until larger plants grow in.

Or perhaps you’re attached to growing a particular plant that is a bit finicky or doesn’t like our heavy soils. Plants like Lavender often need better drainage than we can provide in our landscape, but growing it in containers is the perfect solution.

TEIL Award 6

Have you ever thought of placing container plantings into your landscape beds? Here are some beautiful glazed blue pots we placed in one of our client's landscape. Placing planted containers into the garden can be a great solution for filling empty spots or keeping hard to grow plants happy.

Using brightly colored glazed pottery can help make a shady area pop with color, add height or create a focal point. Growing in containers allows you to provide a loose soil mix for plants that need improved drainage. This is also a great way to add blooms and color to beds where theyre may not be space for bedding color. You can even run drip irrigation from your irrigation system to keep your containers happy all summer long. Enjoy!


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