Shade Perennial Favorite: Leopard Plant

March 31, 2014 | By webadmin


We are so inspired by the beautiful spring weather we've having and all the buds and blooms emerging! If you have shady spots in your garden, you may be noticing some of your shade perennials re-emerging from a winter hiatus. Leopard plant, Farfugium sp, is a fantastic foliage perennial for shady gardens. You'll see it in the forefront of this photo. See the light yellow spots on the leaves? That's why it's called leopard plant! 


Because of the very cold temperatures we experienced this past winter, many leopard plants died all the way down to the ground. You may have thought you'd lost them completely after so many hard freezes. Most, however, are beginning to peek back out from the soil and should regrow to their former glory.

Leopard plant also produces tall spikes of yellow daisy-like blooms in the fall. Several species are available,each with different foliage characteristics. We love this easy-to-grow shade perennial and they work well together in the garden with evergreen holly fern, lenten rose and coral bells.

Happy spring!


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