Edible Landscaping

July 15, 2013 | By webadmin

Growing edibles in our urban landscapes is becoming more and more popular. But who says you have to confine your edibles to raised beds in the backyard? There are many edibles that also make for beautiful ornamentals. You can incorporate these edible ornamentals right into your more traditional landscape as focal points, foundation plantings and even color.

There are many new miniature varieties of fruit trees on the market these days. Peaches such as ‘Bonfire’ and ‘Bonanza’ grow to only 6-feet tall, have beautiful foliage and can easily fit within traditional landscaping beds. Provide a sunny location and you can enjoy beautiful blooms in spring followed by a bounty of peaches in summer; right in your front yard.

Peach Bonfire blooms sm

Herbs such as thyme and oregano are pretty perennials in our area. Standard thyme makes for a beautiful blooming edging on a foundation bed, while tough oregano can act as a mounding perennial or groundcover in a sunny location.

Halleck Swisschard


Leafy greens such as Swiss shard and mustard greens are easy to grow and provide beautiful foliage color from fall through spring. These tough crops can be grown in your landscape beds to provide a backdrop for cool season annuals, or planted in containers for height and foliage color.

Halleck malabar spinach sm


Wish you could grow spinach in summer? Malabar Spinach is a beautiful vine that will quickly twirl around any trellis or arbor; and you can harvest and use the foliage just like you would spinach It's always fun to be a little daring with your streetside landscapes.

Don't be afraid to experiment with edibles where you may have previously only planted traditional ornamentals. If you're intrested in creating an edible landscape, gives us a call here at Roundtree Landscaping 214-824-7036


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Collaboration with the Dallas Arboretum and First Men's Garden Club of Dallas.

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