Ornamental Grasses: Texas Tough!

July 8, 2013 | By webadmin

Here at Roundtree Landscaping, we're all about creating landscapes that are both beautiful and tough enough to hold up to our Texas climate. It all comes down to choosing the right plants for the right place. Our summers can be brutal and many of us are living with strict water restrictions. A heat-tolerant low-water usage plant, such as an ornamental grass, can be your best garden ally under these conditions.

Ornamental grasses are very drought tolerant once established, and can be planted in the hottest and driest parts of your landscapes. Often, areas with adjacent concrete can simply get too hot in the summer for many plants to thrive. Ornamental grasses are the perfect solution for these hot dry locations.

Halleck Mexican Feather Grass sm


One of our favorite ornamental grasses is Mexican Feather Grass, Nassella tenuissima, shown in the photo. This small grass has delicate hair-like foliage and airy flower heads. Mexican Feather grass likes sunny well-drained locations and does not tolerate much excess irrigation. Combine with Sedums and Asters for a low-maintenance combination.

Pink Muhly Grass, Muhlenbergia capillaris, will produce a massive cloud of cotton candy pink flowers that become a showstopper in any garden. Another smaller grass, Pink Muhly Grass reaches about 4-feet in height and aboug 3-feet in width. Plants cascade as they bloom creating a "fountain" look. Plants tolerate poor soils, humidity and many other abuses!

For a tall architectural statement, consider Feather Reedgrass, or Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster'. This popular grass offers up a sturdy upright habit topped with wheat-colored blooms. Plants can be left in their natural form over the winter as they create an interested focal point in the garden.

Perennial Fountain Grass, or Pennisetum alopecuroides, is a tough reliable fountain grass that produces a beautiful 4-foot mound of thin green foliage. Plants have a bottle brush type bloom which appear feathery and look lovely in a breeze. This is a great species to add to foundation borders or easements.

These are just a few of our favorite ornamental grasses, but there are many more that are excellent performers in North Texas landscapes. Looking for a water-wise refresh for your landscape? Give us a call today! 214-824-7036


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