June Gardening Checklist

June 10, 2013 | By webadmin

Now that it's getting warm, we thought we'd offer up a few gardening tips for North Texas:

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1. Plant heat-hardy summer annuals such as Zinnias, Moss Rose, Purslane, Pentas and Periwinkles, Sun Coleus, Esperanza and Scaevola.

2. Plant perennials such as Salvias, Creeping Plumbago, Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia), Purple Cone Flower (Echinacea). Cone Flower is available in additional colors such as white, yellow, orange and pink.

3. As you plant, add compost and slow release fertilizer to new plantings.

4. Mulch 2-4" deep to retain moisture and lower your water bill, stop weeds and protect roots. Be sure not to pile mulch up against the crown or trunk.

.5. Water early in the morning and deeply. Follow water restrictions in your community. Read more about Water Restrictions HERE.

6. Fertilize containers biweekly with a mild well balanced fertilizer.

7. Deadhead spent blooms or provide light tip pruning on shrubs to keep them to desired size.

8. Pest Control: Apply Mosquito Dunks to ponds and water features, and Mosquito Bits to foundation beds, irrigation drains or gutters.

9. Disease Management: Spray Plant Wash or Neem Oil for control of fungal diseases such as black spot and powdery mildew, typically found on roses.

10. Enjoy the fruits of your labor from the spring!


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