Agaves are Tough & Sculptural Landscape Features

June 17, 2013 | By webadmin


As water conservation in the landscape becomes more important for all of us, it's also important to make smart water-wise plant selections. Does this mean you have to trade beauty for function? Absolutely not! Here at Roundtree, we focus on creating landscapes that are low-maintenance, water-wise and beautiful. It's all about choosing the right plants for the right place that are both tough and beautiful.

Agaves are just the sort of plant that delivers both on beauty and function. Plants can take hot, full sun locations with limited irrigation.


Halleck Agave close

Agaves are known for their striking sword-shaped leaves and rosette form. Foliage comes in many colors from dark green, yellow, silver and even blue and purple. Agaves are masters of water storage, as can be seen in their thick succulent leaves. This allows plants to survive during periods of extended drought.  Another feature of Agaves is that they have shallow root systems. This allows you to plant them in shallow soil systems, like rock gardens or containers.


In fact, Agaves are one of the easiest plants to grow in containers in the Dallas Fort Worth area: They take the heat of summer and don't require a lot of water. The plants also make quite a statement when used in containers and can bring a contemporary feel to your garden. Given current water restrictions in the area, Agaves are a smart and beautiful choice for your Texas landscape.

If you're ready for a landscape refresh or are ready to convert your landscape to more water-wise plants, give us a call at 214-824-7036 or CONTACT US onilne.



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