Real or Fake Grass? You won’t believe your eyes, or your toes!

September 26, 2013 | By webadmin

We're busy here at Roundtree getting our landscape display garden ready at the State Fair of Texas! Each year we bring fresh color and ideas to our display garden to inspire visitors. This year, we thought we'd take "waterwise" to the next level and install turf grass that never gets weeds, never needs water and never turns brown. What is this magical new grass you ask? Well...believe it or not, it's fake!

Here is our own David Yonis checking out the look and feel of the artificial turf we are installing as walkways in our landscape bed. Even he can't believe how good it looks and feels!

Roundtree David Yonis

While of course we love our plants here at Roundtree, we do come across situations and particular landscapes that could really benefit from areas of faux turf grass. Grass is not a shade plant, and no matter how much water or fertilizer you apply, you just can't grow a nice thick lawn in shade. Or perhaps you have an area where your dogs continually use the bathroom and urinates, killing the grass. Very small areas such as townhome "yards" can be easily transformed with faux turf and it's great for rooftop gardens. Maybe you have a spot that simply doesn't receive enough irrigation OR you just don't want to water a lawn any more!

We've started working with EasyTurf recently and are impressed with both it's look and how it holds up in the landscape so far. Here are some benefits of the EasyTurf:

  • Most realistic turf available. EasyTurf’s unique multi-color blades give subtle color variations to match the look of real grass.
  • Unmatched Durability. EasyTurf ha4s a 15-20 year life expectancy, the longest in the industry.
  • Unmatched Drainage. With proprietary MaxxFlow technology, EasyTurf offers a totally permeable backing allowing for 100% drainage and providing a barrier for weeds.
  • Unparalleled Warranty. EasyTurf offers the longest, most comprehensive and solid warranty in the business – period.
  • Great for pets. Liquids drain right through, droppings can be picked up as they would be with regular grass and/or washed off with a hose, and dogs can't dig through it. Muddy paw tracks on your carpet will be a thing of the past!

We also did a "toe test" and the EasyTurf feels incredibly good underfoot!

foot test turf

Stay tuned and we'll post photos of the completed project. OR, come out and see our display garden in the landscaping area at The Texas State Fair, which opens tomorrow, Friday September 27th, 2013.


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