Timely Tips for your April Landscape in North Texas

April 10, 2011 | By webadmin

Hostas and Dianthus in SpringHere are some timely tips and tricks for your April landscape in North Texas:


In April continue planting trees, shrubs and roses. Be sure to fertilize the root ball. Be prepared to hand water during the first growing season and throughout summer time. Water saving devices such as “Gator Bags” can help you get the job done.  Prune trees, shrubs and reshape new and old growth. Wait to trim spring flowering shrubs and vines such as forsythia, quince, wisteria, spirea, indian hawthorne, azaleas and lorapetalum until flowering is finished.


April is the perfect time to mulch and fertilize roses. When adding new plants in your landscape this spring, check out the USDA website to find your Plant hardiness Zone. For example, if you are in Dallas, Texas your hardiness zone is 8. Plants rated for hardiness zone 8 will more likely thrive in this area. Plants with a higher number are more tropical and can freeze in our winter cold. Plants with a lower zone number will like our spring and fall, but may die in the heat of a Texas summer. Choose carefully. See USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map: South-Midwest US.


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