Using Color Accents in the Landscape

June 19, 2013 | By webadmin


Sometimes a landscape just needs an accent or pop of color to complete the entire experience. Color accents are one of our favorite design tools here at Roundtree. They can brighten a space, complement building materials and create focal points.

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In this landscape renovation we recently did for one of our customers, you can see we coordinated colorful red pottery to highlight and echo the color of the front door. Painting your front door is one of the easiest ways to refresh your entryway and curb appeal. The clients also added bright red lounge chairs to tie the color scheme together. We planted the red pots with striking Agave plants that act as low maintenance sculptural features.

Using bright color accents like pottery or water features in the landscape help break up all the "green" and draw your eye to special focal points in the garden. They can also draw your eye out to the edges of a property, creating the impression that the landscape is larger than it may really be.

So don't be afraid of using bright colors as accents. They don't have to overwhelm your home or landscape, but used properly they can make all the difference!

Does your landscape need a facelift? If so, give us a call at  214-824-7036  or CONTACT US onilne.


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