Tired of Lawn Problems? Artificial Turf Could be Your Solution…

January 11, 2017 | By webadmin

The vision of an expansive and perfectly green lawn is seductive...but it’s not always achievable in our climate. The intense sunlight and heat we’re subjected to here in Dallas mean we need lots of shade trees...shade trees and lawns don’t really get along. Not to mention, we have heavy compacted clay soils that are tough on lawns, and breed a plethora of fungal diseases and pests determined to destroy your lawn. If you’re tired of trying to keep up with your lawn, or have conditions that make it difficult to grow a lawn at all, it might be time to go faux.

It might seem unconscionable for us to recommend artificial turf - we’re a landscape design and build company! Of course, we love our plants. But any green industry expert will tell you that creating a successful landscape is about putting the right plants in the right place. Too often, conditions just are not right for growing a healthy live lawn.

And you might be pleasantly surprised at some of the really nice faux tuf options. EasyTurf, our preferred product, is an easy to care for permeable “lawn”. It’s Earth-friendly, water-wise and safe for your kids and pets.

Even if too much shade or bad soil aren’t your main challenges - perhaps your dogs are. Pools and big dogs that love pools are often a recipe for a muddy mess in your lawn and around the pool. If your dogs have run a path through your lawn, or created their own mud pit, artificial turf is the perfect solution.

But wait...you might be wondering if your dogs can still do their “business” on fake grass. They sure can, and it’s typically easier to remove pet waste from faux turf than from live grass. With faux turf, you only need to scoop then hose down the area. Because EasyTurf has a water permeable backing, water will seep into the soil below instead of pooling on top.

If you have pets, then flies could also be an issue in your yard. Flies carry a host of potential diseases that make outdoor eating not only a nuisance, but concerning. Pet waste attracts flies since they are the best place for them to lay their eggs. The quick clean up your faux lawn offers can help shoo the flies away.

No Room for the Bugs!

Artificial turf has some other less obvious side benefits; it can repel ants, fleas, mosquitoes and other soil breeding pests. These annoying pests often keep homeowners, indoors and away from biting bugs -- instead of enjoying their backyard. The materials in EasyTurf prevents these insects from breeding by creating a barrier between them and soil beneath.

When we install faux turf in your yard, we level the landscape and properly grade it so there are no dips or areas for water to collect. This alone reduces prime spots for mosquitoes to breed.

Good investment?

Over the course of your faux turf’s lifetime, you save time and money by not having to apply harmful insecticides, fertilizers or other chemicals to the lawn to keep it pest free and gorgeous. Oh, and did we mention you don’t have to mow it?!

Looking for more easy solutions to all your landscape issues? Bookmark our blog for lots of seasonal  tips through the year.


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