What do May Showers Bring? Mosquitoes

June 8, 2015 | By webadmin

What you can do to control mosquitoes in your yard.

The heavy spring rains have resulted in booming mosquito populations. They are already out in droves and they are biting. Often, the mosquitoes can be so bad that we give up on enjoying our patios and yard. It might seem there isn’t much you can do to have an impact on the mosquito population; but you might be surprised to learn there is a simple way to beat the skeeters.

Enjoy a mosquito free patio this summer

An organic larvicide, Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bt) kills the mosquito larvae before they ever mature. It’s simple to use and it’s totally safe for you, your family, pets and wildlife. Commercially, a product called Mosquito Bits contains Bt and it can be applied all around your landscape to prevent mosquitoes.

Mosquito Bits control mosquitoes without harming kids, pets, wildlife or the environment.

You (or we) can apply the bits anywhere in your landscape that holds moisture: Under foundation shrubs, near spigots and around drains. The dunks can be floated in ponds, creeks, fountains, birdbaths or even abandoned pools. Bt won’t harm fish or birds.

Apply the Bt bits every two weeks in your landscape now through September to prevent mosquitoes.

Manage Your Water

In addition for treating for mosquitoes, we also need to manage the water in our landscapes.

  • Watch for low areas in the landscape that fill with standing water. Mosquitoes only need a drop of water or moist soil in which to lay eggs.
  • Empty any vessels filled with water around the landscape. Buckets, wheelbarrows and empty planters can all be mosquito breeding havens.
  • Clean gutters regularly so they don’t collect standing water.
  • Repair leaky irrigation heads and outdoor spigots.
  • Have a rain barrel? Be sure the screen on top is intact and on properly.

If you take action now, you can prevent a big mosquito problem in your backyard. Give us a call if you need help managing mosquitoes or water in your landscape.


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