Deal with Fall Lawn Weeds Now

November 27, 2017 | By webadmin

Keeping your lawn looking beautiful 365 days of the year can be a challenge. As warm season lawns begin to go dormant, you may notice fall weeds germinating and sprouting in your lawn. These weeds probably germinated in September, and will now grow and flower - and spread more seed -over winter and spring before they die or go dormant.  If so, now is the time to address them so they don’t spread out of control.

Fall weeds can become an even bigger problem in spring if you don’t take action now.

Here are some common weeds you’ll find in Dallas area lawns:

Annual bluegrass

While you might be excited just to have something growing so well and dark green in your lawn, Annual Bluegrass can be quite the nuisance. It’s quick to flower and produce seedheads in your yard.


The square stems accompanied by pinkish-purple trumpet shaped flowers are a dead giveaway you have Henbit.  

Prostrate Spurge

This weed is a distant relative to poinsettias. A great way to identify spurge is by the milky white sap it exudes. Since this weed grows flat to the ground, controlling it can be a bit more difficult.


Woodsorrel is an oxalis. And while hunting a four-leaf clover was fun as a child, once this weed takes hold in your yard, it isn’t nearly as fun to have around. Keep in mind this spreads by tiny underground bulbs that go dormant during hot portions of the year.

Carolina Geranium

Do not let the name fool you, this is not a geranium you want in your yard. Identify this weed by its pink-ish red stems and the similar leaf shape to its cultivated perennial counterpart.

How do I control them?


The best timing for applying preemergents in North Texas is the beginning of September. But, if you are already seeing weeds up and growing, it is too late to apply a pre-emergent. Resort to another option, and quick!

Mechanical Removal

Mechanical removal is just a fancy term for hand pulling. Frankly, this is the best way to truly eradicate an infestation of weeds. It may seem like a lot of work, but it’s really good exercise and a good reason to spend some time outdoors away from your phone or computer. Removing the weed completely, roots and all, will significantly slow the spread and allow your lawn to grow back into these areas. Plus, it’s the fastest way to get weeds out of your lawn or landscape beds.

You can also weed-eat or mow down weeds before they bloom. If you keep cutting the flower heads off before they make seed, you can minimize their spread and reduce their population over time.


Most of us prefer not to use harsh chemicals in our landscapes. But some aggressive weeds can be tough to wipe out without them. Don’t like using chemicals in your yard? Grab some vinegar and use it as an alternate non-selective herbicide. Vinegar can be sprayed directly on weeds, with repeat applications, to burn the plant down. Keep in mind that temperature is important for herbicides to be effective. Only apply on days with temperatures above 65F.

Most importantly, the best way to deter weeds in your lawn is to have a vigorous healthy lawn to start. Keep your lawn fertilized, watered correctly, and exercise proper mowing heights, and you will set yourself up for success. Need help getting your lawn and landscape back into shape? Give us a call for landscape management services.


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