Keep Your Irrigation System Safe Through Winter

December 16, 2013 | By webadmin

Winter does not mean it's time to stop watering your landscape. However, it is a time to reduce your lawn and garden’s watering because of increased precipitation, lower temperatures and plant dormancy.

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Now is the time to reduce your watering schedule, or turn off your sprinkler system and only use it manually on days you need it. A good soaking for established shrubs and trees every three weeks or so when we have no rain is a good rule of thumb. However, container plants, seasonal color and veggie gardens will need weekly watering if we don't receive rainfall.  Unsure when to water? Check the soil with a moisture meter, or give us a call if you are one of our maintenance customers – we can help you adjust your schedule.

During hard freezes or extended freezes, irrigation system pipes can break if they are filled with water. In preparation for a freeze you can use your automatic or manual drain valves to empty the lines of water. Once drained, turn off the system’s main water supply until air temperatures rise to above freezing. Luckily, here in North Texas, our soil doesn’t freeze, which helps keep pipes relatively safe. But if pipes were placed shallowly, they can be susceptible to freeze damage as water in the pipes expands then melts. Call us if you need an irrigation system inspection and audit.

Did you add a fresh layer of mulch this fall? If not, now is a good time to do so. Go here to learn why mulch is so important to our landscape!

Need help with your irrigation system? We have a Certified Irrigation Specialist on staff to help with installation, maintenance and repair of all systems. Give us a call or email us to schedule an appointment. For past tips on irrigation maintenance, visit our blog.


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