Know Your City’s Water Restriction Guidelines

July 4, 2015 | By webadmin

While Stage 3 Restrictions have been lifted in some areas of Texas, you’ll still want to manage water closely in your landscape. Avoid fines up to $2000 by following your city’s water restriction guidelines.

City of Dallas: Twice per week watering is allowed. The day you water depends on your address (see image below). No watering is allowed between 10am-6pm. Drip irrigation, handwatering and foundation watering may be performed any day of the week. However, it is recommended that you do not water between 10am-6pm to reduce water evaporation.

City of Plano: While twice per week watering is now allowed, conservation is still requested. Odd addresses may water Tuesday and Friday, even addresses Monday and Thursday. Sprinklers and automatic irrigation systems are still prohibited between 10am-6 pm. Watering on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday is not allowed.

City of Frisco: Your watering day is your regular trash pickup day. Watering is allowed before 10am and after 6pm. Hand watering is limited to up to two hours each day. The City of Frisco is recommending residents not turn on automatic sprinkler systems yet. Stay current on their recommendations by visiting their website.

City of Richardson is lifting Stage 3 water restrictions. Residents can now water with sprinklers and irrigation systems twice per week based on their address. Even-numbered addresses can water on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and odd–numbered addresses can water on Wednesdays and Sundays. For variances and guidelines, go here.

City of Mckinney Landscape Water Management Plan says residents can water as follows:

Watering between 10am and 6pm is not allowed. Residents are encouraged to water only as needed.

As summer approaches, we will offer more water saving tips in the landscape with proper mowing, our favorite waterwise plants, and more. Be sure to keep up with our weekly blog and sign up for our bi-weekly E-newsletter at  


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