Landscape views: What do you see from your kitchen window?

May 16, 2014 | By webadmin

Enjoying the view of your landscape from the patio, deck or balcony is always a must when considering a new landscape design. But have you given any thought to what kinds of views you’d like to see from inside your home? Considering the views from key places within your home is also an important part of creating a beautiful landscape.

- Think of your windows as a frame to the outdoors: When planning where to build gardens, view the space from all angles including from different rooms in your house. Your landscape should be beautiful from every angle.

- How tall are your shrubs? Shrubs that grow too tall can kill a view. Be sure to plant the right shrub for the right space. Low-growing foundation shrubs such as Nandina ‘Fire Power’ or Abelia ‘Garden Star’ are great choices for planting beneath windows.

- Special landscape features: You probably spent a lot of time picking the perfect bird bath, fountain or pottery. Wouldn’t you like to see them from your kitchen window? Add pops of color and special landscape features where you can see them from indoors.

- Don’t forget scent! Plant jasmine, roses, and other fragrant plants underneath windows or near patio doors so when you open them in spring and fall, you can enjoy the fragrance indoors.

How your landscape looks from both the inside and outside is import to the value of the overall project. Take a look from the windows of your home. If you don’t like what you see or  feel you need help with a refresh, give us a call!


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