Cool & Casual Mediterranean Garden Style

May 8, 2014 | By webadmin

The mild spring weather we’ve had has meant a lot of us have spent more time outdoors. When you think of your landscape as an outdoor room, or extension of your home, then it makes sense to choose a particular landscaping style; just as you would inside your home.

We’ve been refreshing and renovating lots of landscapes this spring and one of our favorite styles is the Mediterranean garden. We love the relaxed vibe and bold colors of this casual and contemporary yet rustic style. Creating a Mediterranean style also works well with our Texas climate.

Color palette

The sky’s the limit when it comes to Mediterranean style colors. We love the ocean blues and earthy terracotta colors for pottery. Lavender plants as easy-maintenance blooms for containers; colorful tiled table tops, and gravel pathways in greys and browns complement the plantings.


Fill your Mediterranean style space with the cool greens, silvers and purples of herbs. Thyme, lavender, basil, rosemary, and sage are not only fragrant, but also beautiful and wonderful in culinary dishes and summer cocktails.

Plants that tolerate the heat and dry periods work best in Mediterranean style gardens. Roses, artemesia, low-growing rock rose, salvia, sedum and oleander are just a few plants that work wonders in the garden and look amazing all summer.

Don’t forget to plant specimen trees and shrubs! Vitex and purple smoke trees are a good fit in Mediterranean style landscapes. While olive trees are not always completely cold-hardy in our area, there are some varieties that can make it through winter with some protection. Junipers are easy to care for and fit right in with the Mediterranean look.


Details such as large accent boulders, trellises and pergolas give the space a finished look.

We have style inspiration galore at our Pinterest Board. Give us a call when you are ready to bring your imagination to life!


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