Oxeye Daisy: A water-wise beauty for Texas gardens.

March 12, 2015 | By webadmin

While spring is still officially a few weeks away, we’re already dreaming of our favorite water-wise plants. We believe that our Texas heat shouldn’t be a deterrent to planting blooming perennials year round, especially varieties that bloom in the heat of summer. One of our most reliable favorites is the oxeye daisy.

Oxeye daisy, Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, produces a classic daisy flower with white petals and a cheery yellow center. Plant in spring and you’ll enjoy blooms until fall. Oxeye daisy is related to the Shasta daisy, except it has much longer stems, up to three-feet tall. It’s also a fast grower. Plant alongside shrubs such as abelia and nandina; perennials like pincushion flower and salvia; and ornamental grasses such as Mexican feather grass.

As with many perennials, Oxeye Daisy should be divided every few years. Divide in fall and then plant divisions in another sunny area of the landscape. By the following spring you’ll have a beautiful new blooming plant. Feed spring and fall and water regularly until plants are established. Once mature, Oxeye daisy is low-maintenance and water-wise!


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Collaboration with the Dallas Arboretum and First Men's Garden Club of Dallas.

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