Dress Up Your Summer Landscape!

June 7, 2017 | By webadmin

The heat of summer in North Texas can be tough to handle sometimes. But Texas summers are no problem for certain tough plants that can make your landscape look beautiful and fresh even in the hottest part of summer. When your spring blooming perennials and annuals are fizzling out, be sure to include heat-tolerant summer blooming plants that can take their place.

Try these vibrant hot-combos in containers or add to bare pockets of your landscape beds that need a pop of summer color.

Color brings your garden to life

Portulaca, a heavy blooming succulent, works beautifully as a border in the landscape or “spiller” in your containers. They come in an array of colors framed by succulent foliage and love our Texas heat. Combine white, orange and yellow for a sunny citrusy combination. Or, go disco by planting a little bit of every color! Pair portulaca with other sun loving annuals or herbs such as pineapple sage, gomphrena or upright rosemary.

Architectural & Modern

A single agave planted in a stylish container, then mulched with colorful landscape glass is stunning in any landscape; but is especially perfect for homes with modern architecture that feature clean lines and a more monochromatic aesthetic. Group 3 or more containers together in a space that won’t be frequented by kids or pets who might get bitten by a spike.

Fragrant and flavorful

Who says summer color has to be … colorful? A pot of plants in a monochromatic theme of green is cooling and comforting. Add fragrant foliage or edible herbs to patio containers and you’ll have instant garnish for summer dishes and cocktails. Basil, oregano, mint and other edibles can be added to any of your colorful summer containers or beds. Be sure to use organic fertilizer since you’ll be serving this particular combo to family and friends.

A new mix of color and texture

Pairing foliage focused succulents and colorful blooms such as Zinnia ‘Profusion’ creates texture and color in the summer garden. Plant around rocks in garden beds or add to containers. Take your new mix a step further by adding in ornamental peppers in yellow, orange or red; or amp up your foliage color with neon golden oregano.

Easy breezy color

Traditional summer favorites can be combined to create a space that is vibrant and fun. Hot pink zinnia and perennial shasta daisies are a playful pairing that will bloom through summer. Your shasta daisies will come back each year and zinnias can be planted each spring or summer. Zinnias come in every color imaginable. Plant one color or combine a variety of hues.

Care is key

As your blooms expire through the season, deadheading (snipping off the spent blooms) will encourage new flowers to grow. Water garden thoroughly once per week and then supplement with additional water as needed- especially for containers and new color plantings.  Adding your containers to their own zone on your automatic irrigation system will help ensure they don’t get forgotten and dry out. Most annuals will benefit from a feeding once a month to grow quickly, bloom often and remain healthy through the summer months.

Looking for fresh ideas? Give our design team a call today!


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