3 DIY Gardening Tips

June 30, 2014 | By webadmin

Even with summer officially here, we hope you are all still getting out in the garden and popping in bits of color or planting up pretty summer containers. To make gardening a little easier, e’d like to offer up 3 tips from our experts here at Roundtree Landscaping. Sometimes it’s all about the little things to keep your garden looking beautiful.

#1 Don’t plant too deep.

When planting in pots or in the ground, a good rule of thumb is to plant only as deep as the existing height of the rootball. Burying the crown of the plant under the soil can lead to stress, poor growth, and even rotting of the crown.

#2 Right plant. Right place.  

We see it time and time again: Hydrangeas in too much sun, edibles in the shade, heuchera planted alongside salvias and other mismatched plants that don’t belong together. For plants to thrive, you must know what type of light requirements they have. When you match the right plant to the right place, your landscape can thrive with less work on your part.

We always suggest taking a day when you’ll be home all day to watch the light as it moves across your landscape from morning until evening. Check the location of sun on your landscape once per hour throughout the day. You might be surprised to find you have either more sun or more shade than you previously thought. Knowing exactly how much sun each part of your landscape does, or doesn’t, receive will help you choose the right plants.  

#3 Collect and keep the right tools on hand.

There are a few tools no gardener should be without. A hand trowel to dig holes for smaller plants, a sharp spade for digging larger holes, a mattock hand tool to break up small areas of soil and weeds, a heavy garden fork for working in compost, and a large garden tubtrug to collect garden scraps and trash. Purchase top quality tools from your local garden center and they’ll last many years.

What other tips do you think are essential to make your garden tasks easier? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter or tag us on Instagram (Roundtree_Landscaping).


Earth Moving Contractors Adelaide
Oct 19, 2014 @ 10:20pm

Great tips. thanks for sharing.

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