5 Favorite Water-wise Plants for Fall

August 16, 2017 | By webadmin

Fall is a wonderful time to evaluate successes as well as failures in your landscape. Since many of us feel a surge of energy early in the year with the coming of spring, oftentimes the choices we've made have finished their display. Now is the time to fill in gaps that didn't survive the summer with robust alternatives that bring interest to autumn.

Consider a few of our favorite recommendations that can easily handle long days in reflected heat and still look wonderful in fall.

The super tough, prolific blooming Rock rose (Pavonia lasiopetala) is also downright pretty through late summer until we get a hard freeze. Its pink flowers hold their saturated color in scorching sun and once established, this perennial has excellent drought tolerance.

Though it's bloom period is limited to fall, the bright yellow blooming Mexican Mint Marigold (Tagetes lucida) grows vigorously with very little care. Its sword-like foliage has a lovely and distinct scent of anise, which can instantly elevate your summer mood as you crush a leaf between your fingers.

Red Yucca makes an excellent year round garden anchor with it's eye catching variegation and spiky structure. It partners well with absolutely everything from agaves to roses and demands next to nothing once it's had a year of proper care.

If you struggle with a shady yard, enjoy a pop of color from native 'Texas Gold' columbine (Aquilegia chrysantha). Though the display is best in spring, it will typically provide a second flush of blooms in fall and it's worth growing for the unique textural foliage alone.

White Mistflower (Eupatorium havanense) is a a beautiful fall-blooming Texas native that will draw many pollinators to your garden. Platns grow 3-4' tall and wide and are covered with furry white blooms in fall,and sometimes again in early spring. Plants can grow in full sun or part shade.

Autumn is a celebratory time for Texans, when we finally feel the temperatures drop and the days shorten. Often times these changes can't come soon enough after our blistering summer. Though this year has been relatively merciful, we will all welcome a cool down. Give us a call now to get a plan in place for one the best seasons of the year.


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