How Does Your Garden Glow?

September 4, 2014 | By webadmin

We recently came across a planter filled with white caladiums and bright red garden begonias that were absolutely glowing on an overcast day. Even though white is typically thought of as a neutral in the garden, it was the white glow of the caladiums that really made this container pop from a distance.  Using white in the garden gives you striking contrast against the dark foliage of other garden plants like Heuchera ‘Obsidian’. White also makes the vibrant blooms of red garden begonias vibrate with intensity.

If you’re looking to create a serene and sophisticated garden style, there is no better “color” than white. White blooms and foliage also stand out during the dusk and nighttime hours. Planting white blooming plants around your patio will give you something to enjoy even as the rest of your garden color fades in the darkness of night. Datura and moonflowers are classic choices for an evening white garden.

Some of our other favorite white blooming and foliage plants include caladiums, white roses, dusty miller, salvia, mock orange and cyclamen. In fall, we’ll be planting white-blooming  drought tolerant daffodils! White is a wonderful garden color that can bright up just about any landscape. Find more inspiration at our White Garden Pinterest Board.

Looking to strategically add white to your landscape? We’re scheduling fall design and installation appointments now. Contact us here for a consult.


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