Summer is a great time to plan for fall landscapes

August 4, 2015 | By webadmin

Did you know that fall is the best time to install new plants and hardscaping here in Texas? Our mild fall temperatures and occasional rainfall make establishing plants much easier than when planted in spring or summer. Plus, building your outdoor space in fall means it will be ready for you to enjoy our spring weather.

Fall is a good time to add a new walking path and waterwise plants.

Why do our plants perform better when planted in fall? Our intense Texas heat and lack of rainfall can be brutal on new plantings; while our fall and winter seasons are often mild and easy on new roots trying to get established. Roots will have a good eight months to establish themselves before the onset of summer heat. Plant in fall and you’ll have an easier time maintaining your beautiful landscape.

What can you do now to get ready for fall?

Because fall is the best time to plant, August is a great time to get started on new landscape plans. We’re filling up our Houzz Ideabooks and Pinterest Boards with current trends in color and design to get ready for your fall creations.

Ready to bring your landscape to life this fall? First, ask yourself these questions…

What are the goals of your outdoor space? Do the kids like to play? Does the dog like to run? Do you entertain often? Be sure to prioritize your needs and how you’d like to use your outdoor space before you get started. More on family friendly landscapes here.

Do you have a favorite style? Mediterranean? Modern? Traditional? We love to take your vision and make it a reality. Use your personal fashion and interior style as a guide to creating your outdoor oasis. We love to look at our clients Houzz or Pinterest pages to get a better sense of their personal style. By putting together idea books or inspiration boards, you’ll greatly help your landscape designer bring your vision to life.

Do you have a pool, or want a pool? Pools need special plants that won’t litter heavily and can take the sun and splashing of pool water. The reflected heat from hardscape surfaces around pools are also often a challenge for some plants.

Fall and winter are also great times to refurbish and repair existing irrigation systems. Or, to add a new Smart Controller that’ll save you both time and money in the landscape.


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