You’re Probably Wasting 50% of Your Landscape Water…

July 21, 2014 | By webadmin

July is Smart Irrigation Month and the perfect time to take a closer look at your watering habits. Did you know that as much as half of the water we apply to our landscapes is wasted? Pressure that is too high, nozzles pointed in the wrong direction and leaky pipes are just a few of the ways we waste water with outdated irrigation systems.

Despite the heat, you can still have a healthy and attractive landscape in summer. With a few easy maintenance tips and a bit of forethought, you can keep your landscape pretty and conserver water.

Audit your irrigation system. A well-running, efficient irrigation system can save you countless dollars in wasted water and dead plants. We have an irrigation specialist on staff to help you decide if your system is running properly, or if it needs renovation or repairs. Most of us are living with old irrigation systems: Old systems are inefficient. Just like you get regular tune ups and repairs on your home or vehicle, you also need to keep your irrigation system up to date for best water conservation.

Healthy soil improves water retention. Keep your soil healthy and plant maintenance will be easier and water needs reduced. Soil that is well-aerated and contains organic matter absorbs water better, preventing run-off and water waste.  

Where are you watering?  Bad coverage is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to water waste. If you are watering your concrete sidewalk instead of the landscape, not only are you wasting water, but you could get a citation from the city. Irrigation water should be delivered directly to the plants that need it, not the hard scape. Drip irrigation can often help solve problems with coverage and distribution.

Mulch is attractive and saves moisture. Each season, we add mulch to the landscape to help better retain moisture in the soil. Mulch also keeps roots cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Plus, a top-dressing of mulch gives the landscape a neat and finished appearance that drastically improves your curb appeal.

When you water is as important as how you water. Watering your landscape during the hottest part of the day, between 10am and 6pm, could cause you to lose up to 30 percent of your water through evaporation. Also, most North Texas cities restrict watering between the hours of 10am and 6pm. Watering between 6am and 10am is ideal, but after 6pm in the evening is acceptable in the hottest part of summer.

Planting waterwise plants is another great way to conserve. We list offer some waterwise plant tips here and the reason we love daffodils as a waterwise favorite here.

Looking for some hands-on DIY tips for dealing with your irrigation system? Stop by the Texas Agrilife Center in Dallas for their program called: 111 Sprinkler System Quick Fixes (follow the link to rsvp). This program teaches very basic hands on repairs & maintenance to home automatic sprinkler systems.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014 
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center
Building C
17360 Coit Road
Dallas, Texas 75252


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