
October 16, 2014

We’re at the State Fair of Texas!

We were so honored to be given the President's Award for design and installation at the fair grounds.

October 14, 2014

Fall back on lawn watering: Brown Patch Disease

Overwatering your lawn could cause the fungal disease, Brown Patch.

October 6, 2014

Does your landscape look like its declining? It could be unhealthy soil.

Beautiful landscapes depend on healthy soil!

September 28, 2014

Daffodils: Texas Tough Perennials. Beautiful Spring Blooms.

What plants are low-maintenance, heat tolerant, drought tolerant and offer up beautiful blooms? Daffodils!

September 22, 2014

Landscape Hack: Create Dry Creek Beds with River Rock

Create dry creek beds in areas of the landscape that are too wet or too dry!

September 15, 2014

Don’t Miss Out on Free Water! Add a Rain Barrel!

Add rain barrels to the landscape to conserve water and maintain a lush garden!

September 8, 2014

The Best Way to Enjoy Spring Bulbs

Plant spring blooming bulbs in fall! Both shade and sun varieties in every color of the rainbow for both containers and the land

September 4, 2014

How Does Your Garden Glow?

White glows in the garden!


First Place at The State Fair of Texas

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