Blog posts categorized as: Gardening

December 17, 2013

Shop your garden for holiday decorations

decorate for the holidays using natural foliage from your garden

December 9, 2013

Keep the Birds Happy. Create a Winter Habitat!

We love hearing colorful birds singing and whistling through our gardens in spring, summer and fall, but especially in winter. When the landscape appears its most bleak, there is nothing more lovely than seeing a bright red cardinal float by and land in a berried tree such as a Yaupon Holly or Juniper.

December 2, 2013

Want Texas Tough Perennials? Plant Daffodils!

Want Texas Tough Perennials? Plant Darling Daffodils!

October 31, 2013

A Case for Roses

A Case for Roses

October 28, 2013

Fill your winter garden with color!

Fill your winter garden with color!

October 20, 2013

Top 5 Favorite Shade Perennials for Texas

Top 5 Favorite Shade Perennials for Texas

September 3, 2013

Fall is the Time to Think Spring Bulbs!

Fall is the time to think spring bulbs

August 27, 2013

Fall Blooming Perennials for Texas

Roundtree Landscaping, Dallas, Texas, Fall Blooming Perennials


First Place at The State Fair of Texas

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