Blog posts categorized as: Landscaping

January 10, 2014

Our Townhouse Patio & Backyard Renovation wins Silver TEIL Award!

Here are Roundtree Landscaping, we don't do what we do to win awards. We do what love, because we love it. But now and then, we're lucky enough to be recognized for our work with awards from the landcaping industry. We're happy to annouce that we've been selected to receive a Silver Texas Excellence In Landscaping (TEIL) Award from the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association for 2013-2014!

January 6, 2014

When Should You Transplant Trees & Shrubs? Now!

Did you know that winter is the best time to transplant trees and shrubs? The winter months are when many plants go dormant or slow their growth. Right now is the best opportunity to move them with the least amount of damage to roots and before the onset of summer heat.Roundtree Landscaping, Dallas

December 30, 2013

Your Landscape: What are your New Year’s resolutions?

We appreciate the awards we won in 2013, such as Living Magazine's Reader's choice for Best Landscape Installation company AND Best Yard Maintenance company. Thank you! We won 2nd place for our bed at the Texas State Fair Fall Garden Exhibition and won for bes Hardgood use for our artificial turf installation. We were also recently awareded a TEIL Silver Award from the Texas Nursery & Landscape Association for one of our residential landscapes.

December 18, 2013

When Front Yards Colide

December 16, 2013

Keep Your Irrigation System Safe Through Winter

Winter does not mean it's time to stop watering your landscape. However, it is a time to reduce your lawn and garden’s watering because of increased precipitation, lower temperatures and plant dormancy.

November 25, 2013

Camellias: Blooming Jewels of the Shade Garden

Do you have a shady area of your landscape screaming for color? Camellias bloom big in shades of white, pink and red, and require only morning sun. Best part? They bloom fall through spring when many plants in your garden is dormant. For the rest of the year, enjoy their deep green, glossy, evergreen foliage as foundation shrubs throughout your landscape.

November 22, 2013

Does Your Landscape Need a Refresh?

Your landscape has a big impact on the curb appeal of your home. When you look at your landscape do you feel: Bored? Uninspired? Perhaps the desire to just go back inside? Roundtree Landscaping

November 18, 2013

5 Favorite Shrubs We Love for Your Landscape (and so will you)!

5 Favorite Shrubs We Love for Your Landscape (and so will you)!


First Place at The State Fair of Texas

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